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History jokes 📜 in 2025

King Arthur’s Round Table was built by Sir Cumference.

When the proposal of building a parking lot was given to Richard III,
– he told said, “Over my dead body.”

“But swear by thyself that at my death thy Son / Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore;/ And,
– having done that, thou hast done; / I fear no more.”

Why didn’t the Romans have algebra?
– Because X always equalled 10!

Did you hear the joke about the Liberty Bell?
– It cracked me up.

The loveliest subject in schools History
– because it has so many dates.

Alexander did not like eating chicken legs
– because he hated defeat.

Q: How did the Vikings send secret messages?
– A: By norse code!

What was written on a knight’s headstone?
– Rust in peace!

The early ages in history are called the Dark Ages because there were too many knights.

The only kind of Rock music that the Pilgrims were fond of was Plymouth Rock.

We were debating about Charles Darwin in class when the teacher warned us,
– “Don’t let this evolve into an argument.”

How did brave Ancient Egyptians write?
– With hero-glyphics!

Why was Elizabethan England so wet?
– Because the Queen reigned for 45 years!

It is no wonder that Thomas Jefferson was thus named,
– his father was after Jefferdad.

George Washington has sleeping problems only
– because he is unable to lie.

“The Mouse’s Tale” in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

What did Caesar say to Cleopatra?
– Toga-ther we can rule the world!

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