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History jokes 📜 in 2025

The Second World War was very slow because they were Stalin.

I wonder why Lenin didn’t realize that communism would fail to work.
– There were so many red flags everywhere.

Q: Who made King Arthur’s round table?
– A: Sir-Cumference

Why did Arthur have a round table?
– So nobody could corner him!

The colonized do not like British tea.
– They only want liber-tea.

I had a friend who got a Ph.D. in the history of Palindromes.
– He is now called Dr. Awkward.

When the student had asked the History teacher what questions will be there for the History exam,
– she answered, “The Past.”

My poor knowledge of Greek mythology has always been my Achilles’ elbow.

Why did Christopher Columbus cross the ocean?
– To get to the other tide!

Once upon a time, there was a king who loves traveling through tunnels.
– The people gave him the name: Alex-Under.

Gordon Ramsey shouted at Queen Mary
– because she was burning everything.

“Great praise be given to God and little laud to the Devil.”

How did Vikings send secret messages?
– By Norse code!

Abraham Lincoln had a very difficult and challenging childhood.
Did you know that every day, he had to walk eight whole miles to school?
Well, he should’ve got up earlier and caught the school bus like everyone else!

If George Frederic Handel would be born in the modern era,
– his favorite song would be “Club Can’t Even Handel Me.”

My teacher told me in History class to do some light reading on the history of the light bulb.

Why aren’t you doing well in history?
– A: Because the teacher keeps on asking about things that happened before I was born!

What did Medieval postmen wear?
– Chain mail!

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