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Hillbilly jokes in 2025

What do you call 4 rednecks pushing a pickup truck?
– White Power!

Redneck Geometry
Dale was the first of his hillbilly family to make it past the second grade.

One day, Dale’s pa asked, “What did y’all learn today in that geometry class?”

Dale replied, “Pi r squared”.

“Dadgummit!”, yelled Dale’s pa, “I knew that there fancy school tweren’t no good! Pie are ROUND! CAKE are square!”

What’s the difference between a redneck and a hillbilly?
– A redneck will kill you but a hillbilly will keep you

What do you call a 13 year old girl from Kentucky who can run faster than her six brothers?
– A virgin.

Why are hillbilly murders hard to solve
– Because they all share the same DNA

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