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Hillbilly jokes in 2025

What’s long and hard on a hillbilly?
– second grade.

What does a hillbilly say when they recognize a place by scent?
– I nose this place

How do rednecks spend the first week of the school year?
– Studying the Miranda Rights

What does a hillbilly say when they recognize a place by scent?
– I nose this place

Why are hillbilly men not circumcised?
– Because they need somewhere to carry their chew.

What do two rednecks say after breaking up?
– Lets just be cousins.

I just thought up an original joke today, hopefully you all like it…Why is wheat a hillbilly grain?
– because its inbread

What is it called when you die and come back as a hillbilly?
– Reintarnation

What do you call a hillbilly after he is all grown up?
– A mountain goat of course!

How many rednecks does it take eat a ‘possum?
– Two. One to eat, and one to watch for cars.

What’s the first thing a hillbilly says after losing her virginity?
– Get off me Daddy, you’re crushing my cigarettes.

What is it called when a hillbilly is reborn?
– Reintarnation

What is the difference between a Hillbilly and a Pinhead?
– Pinheads do not get round ‘tuit’s and Hillbillys poke their eye out with them.

How do you get a redneck to suck your dick?
– Put mayonnaise on it.

A black man, a Mexican, a Muslim and a hillbilly are all playing Russian Roulette together. Who is guaranteed to win?
– Society.

Why do hillbilly siblings give each other kisses?
– Because they’re a little hickey.

What’s the last thing you usually hear before a redneck dies?
– Hey y’all.. Watch this!

Did you hear about the hillbilly yeast?
– It was in bread…..

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