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Hillbilly jokes in 2024

[OFFENSIVE] How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
Kick his sister in the jaw…

(Heard this one the other day from a friend, and thought I might share it here. :P)

A hillbilly girl tells her guy How about we try reverse cowgirl tonight?
– He replies Hey! You never turn your back on family.

What do you call a redneck bursting into flames?
– A Fire Cracker

How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
– You kick his sister in the chin

Coming Back as a Hillbilly
Q. What do you call it when you die and come back as a hillbilly?
A. Reintarnation

What do you call a hillbilly after he is all grown up?
– A mountain goat of course!

Why do ducks fly over Arlington upside down?
– There’s nothing worth craping on

How did the hillbilly find the sheep in the tall grass?
– Satisfying

Yeast is a lot like a hillbilly.
It’s in bread

A black man, a Mexican, a Muslim and a hillbilly are all playing Russian Roulette together. Who is guaranteed to win?
– Society

What is the difference between a Hillbilly and a Pinhead?
– Pinheads do not get round ‘tuit’s and Hillbillys poke their eye out with them.

How do you circumcise a hillbilly?
– Give his sister an uppercut.

What do rednecks call ductape?
– Chrome.

What do a thug and hillbilly have in common?
– They both like to throw a hoedown.

What did the deity say when it came back as a hill-billy?
– “What incarnation?!?”

How do you castrate a hillbilly?
– You kick his sister in the jaw

What are the only two seasons a Redneck can name?
– Football and Construction

A hillbilly walks up to his sister and says “have sex with me.”
– She replies “if you incest.”

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