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Hamster jokes ๐Ÿน in 2024

What do you call a hamster with a map? A “navigation rodent”!

Why was the hamster at the football match? He was the “fur-st” reserve!

Why are hamsters bad at playing hide and seek? They leave “wheel” tracks!

What do you call a hamster with a top hat? A “hamstercadabra”!

What’s a hamster’s favorite type of math? “Geometry”, because they love circles!

Why don’t hamsters make good secret agents? They spill the beans!

Why don’t hamsters make good detectives? They’re always running in circles!

Why did the hamster refuse to share his food? He was feeling “shellfish”!

Why was the hamster a bad roommate? Because he’s always running in circles!

Why don’t hamsters make good movie directors? They only shoot in “rounds”!

Why did the hamster go to therapy? He couldn’t stop going in circles!

What’s a hamster’s favorite type of exercise? “Wheel-y” big stretches!

Why do hamsters never get lost? They always go in circles!

Why did the hamster bring toilet paper to the party? Because he’s a party “pooper”!

Why was the hamster at the music concert? He was the “wheel” fan!

Why are hamsters like detectives? They always run in circles to find clues!

Why did the hamster refuse to play cards? He was afraid of “dealing”!

Why don’t hamsters make good philosophers? They’re always going around in circles!

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