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Halloween jokes 🎃 in 2024

What do you call a fat pumpkin?
– A plumpkin.

What’s the best way to get rid of a demon?
– Exorcise a lot.

Where does Dracula keep his money?
– In a blood bank.

How do ghosts search the Web?
-They use ghoul-gle.

What do you get when you cross Bambi with a ghost?

What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school?
– Spelling.

What’s it like being kissed by a vampire?
-It’s a pain in the neck.

Where do ghosts like to trick-or-treat?
-Dead ends.

What do witches use on their hair?
– Scare-spray.

Why are ghosts so bad at telling lies?
– Because you can see right through them.

Why did the werewolf go to the dressing room when he saw the full moon?
– He needed to change.

How do you get inside a locked cemetery at night?
-Use a Skeleton Key to unlock the gates!

Why do demons and ghouls hang out together?
-Because demons are a ghoul’s best friend!

What kind of monster is the best dancer?
-The boogieman.

What is a monster’s favorite dessert?
-I scream!

Where do ghosts go on holidays?
-The Boohamas.

Who do monsters buy cookies from?
-Ghoul scouts.

Why do girl ghosts go on diets?
-So they can keep their ghoulish figures..

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