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Hairline jokes in 2025

Your hairline looks like the McDonald’s logo.

Your hairline is so deep People can see what you are thinking.

I’m not saying my friend’s losing his hair, but lice are starting to picket about deforestation.

Did you hear about the bald guy who cracked his skull?
– Doctor said he had a receding hairline fracture.

Your hairline is so far back
Rosa parks don’t wanna sit there.

Lebron’s life is like one big compass…
– He went South, His hairline went North, his dad went East and his mom went Delonte West.

What did one wig ask the other wig before going to a vacation?
– With which hairline are you flying with?

My hairline is like the French Army…
– It’s been ordered not to retreat, but nature is taking its course anyway

What is the kind of hair that loves going on vacation on different beaches of the country?
– The wavy hair!

Man, your hairline is so far back, archaeologists couldn’t find it.

What did the barber say when he shaved someone’s thick hair?
– He said, “Hair comes trouble!”

Your hairline and my grandpa go way back.

One of my oldest friends is my receding hairline…
– We go way back.

Why did the barber come first in the race to finish cutting hair the fastest?
– This was because he had taken a short cut!

I don’t want to say my wife’s scalp is thinning out, but with a hairline that wide somebody will be able to drive a truck down the middle and not touch either side.

What happened when the barber cleaned his shop?
– The barber felt a breath of fresh hair!

Yo’ mama is so ugly, her hairline is receding just to get away from her face.

My pet rock has a receding hairline
– He’s a little boulder

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