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Gnome jokes in 2025

Have you met Finnegan the Tinker?
– Never met him. Don’t gno’m.

Why do gnomes often like to go shopping?
– Because some of the stores offer gnome money down deals.

Why do the police often ignore the testimony of gnomes?
– They don’t trust gnome one.

Did ya hear the one about the Troll who tried to pay for dinner with a gnome?
– He came up short on the bill.

What do you call a musical gnome that cares a lot about its appearance?
– A metrognome

I love cooking meat for tiny men…
– …make gnome a steak.

What do you call a gnome who’s been burglarized?
– A gnome invasion.

Why did the gnome take the subway to work?
– Because a metro-gnome is always on time.

What do you call a gnome priest?
– A compact disc.

In Timothee Chalemet’s next movie, the plot revolves around garden statuary. It’s called…
– *Call Me By Your Gnome.*

Where do gnomes buy most of their appliances?
– At Gnome Depot.

What race makes for the edgiest bards?
– Rock gnomes.

Then there’s Wizknocket, the original gnome illusionist. He was so amazing he made the ‘g’ in ‘gnome’ disappear.

Why were the gnomes ticketed by the park ranger?
– He warned then this is not a gnome-naked beach.

What do gnome mothers often say to their naughty children?
– Wait till your father gets gnome.

What do you call a psychic gnome who escaped from prison?
– A small, medium at large!

Did you know garden gnomes wear little red hats?
– It’s a little gnome fact.

Where did Satan’s little helpers go to high school?
– They didn’t, they were gnome-schooled.

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