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Gnome jokes in 2025

Why are gnomes friends with dolls?
– They like to share clothes.

Why are gnome jokes all one-liners?
– They’re always pretty short.

What did the teacher say to the naughty gnome?
– Oh gnome you didn’t.

Why are there so few famous gnome playwrights?
– Many of them are ungnome.

What do you get when you cross Gnomes and Worgen??
– Micro-Worgenisms!

Why are gnomes often indecisive?
– They can’t decide between yes, gnome, and maybe.

Why are gnomes rubbish rappers?
– They have gnome rhyme and gnome reason.

Why do sverfneblin make the best philosophers?
– Because they’re deep gnomes.

Did you hear about the little guy compelled to clap in time whenever he was on the Paris underground?
– He was a Métro gnome.

What’s the most common phrase used by teachers in a gnome school?
– It’s a little gnome fact.

What line in an alien movie do gnomes love the most?
– “ET phone gnome.”

What do you call a gnome in a clothes dryer?
– A fidgety midget spinner.

what do you call a physic gnome who escaped from prison?
– a small medium at large.

When in gnomes, do as the gnomans do.

What are gnome’s favorite historical societies?
– The Gno-man empire.

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Gnome who?
Gnome sweet gnome

When is a Gnome not a Gnome?
– When he’s up a Fairys skirt, he’s a Goblin.

Why are so many gnome’s poor musicians?
– Many of them have no rhyme or gnome reason.

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