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Gnome jokes in 2025

Why do gnomes love surfing on the internet?
– They get a thrill out of landing on the gnome pages.

How do gnomes greet one another at their yoga class?
– They bow and say gnome-astay.

Gnome Chat Up Line: Hey girl, is your name Juliet?
– ‘Cause my name is Gnomeo.

What do you call a Gnome who lives in urban environments?
– A Metro Gnome

Did you know garden gnomes wear little red hats?
– It’s a little gnome fact.

How many gnomes does it take to paint a wall?
– Depends on how hard you throw ’em!

This one’s for the D&D players. A human, an elf and a dragonborn walk into a bar.
– The gnome and halfling walk underneath perfectly fine.

Which Simpson character do gnomes love the most?
– Gnomer Simpson.

Beware gnomish merchants, they tend to shortchange people.

Why do gnomes laugh when they play football?
– Because the grass tickles their armpits.

Why do college student gnomes love Christmas?
– They get to gnome for the holidays.

A gardener and his dog walked into a bar.
– His garden gnome walked under it…

Where does a Communist Garden Gnome work?
– At the Russian Troll Farm.

Why are gnomes great at acting?
– There is gnomes business like show business.

What mythical creature keeps time for trains at the station?
– A metro-gnome.

What kind of character does J-Roc wish was in Dragonball Z?
– Gnome Saiyan

What do people chant at the gnome president’s rally?
– Go big or gnome home.

What is the favorite ride for gnomes at Disneyland?
– It’s a small, small world.

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