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Giraffe Jokes 🦒 in 2025

Why didn’t they invite the giraffe to the party?
– He was a pain in the neck!

Have you heard the joke about the giraffe’s neck?
– It’s a long one.

A Republican, a Democrat, a Communist, a priest, a rabbi, an Imam, an African, a Caucasian, an Asian, a horse, a giraffe, an elephant, a fairy, an elf, and an unicorn walk into a bar…
The bar tender looks up
– “What is this? A joke?”

What’s green and hangs from trees?
– Giraffe snot.

A giraffe walks into a bar, he sits and orders 6 martinis……..
Shame on you for wanting a punchline.
This giraffe needs help.

What do giraffes have that no one else can have?
– Baby giraffes!

What do you get when you cross a giraffe and a pig?
– Bacon and legs.

What is a giraffe’s favorite fruit?
– Necktarines

Why don’t lions like giraffes?
– Because they always look down on them.

A guy walks into a bar with a giraffe.They both drink a beer and go to walk out the door but the giraffe collapses on the floor.The guy carries on leaving the bar and the bartender shouts…. ‘hey, you can’t leave that lyin’ there!
– The guy replies….It’s not a lion,it’s a giraffe!

An inteovert elephant and an emo giraffe walks into a bar..
– They couldnt fit in

The boat made for giraffes to travel around the forest was called the giraft.

What do you get when you cross a giraffe with a hedgehog?
– A twelve-foot toothbrush

The worst part about being a giraffe
– is having a lot of time to think about your mistakes when you’re sinking into quicksand.

What’s the most dangerous book you can read?
– A pop-up book about giraffes.

Why do giraffes have such long necks?
– To get away from the smell of their feet.

Why was the giraffe late?
– Because he got caught in a giraffic jam!

Why do giraffes make bad bosses?
– Because they can’t see eye-to-eye with their employees

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