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Gingerbread jokes in 2024

What’s a gingerbread man’s favorite type of movie? Anything that’s a ‘baker’s’ dozen on the suspense scale!

What do you call a gingerbread man who loves math? A smart ‘cookie’ with a ‘taste’ for numbers!

Why did the gingerbread man go to the tailor? He needed a new ‘roll’ of icing!

Why did the gingerbread man turn red? He was caught baking in the nude!

What’s a gingerbread man’s favorite type of cake? Anything but gingerbread – he doesn’t want to be a ‘cannibal’!

What do you call a gingerbread man with a briefcase? A smart cookie handling ‘dough’!

Why did the gingerbread man go to the zoo? He wanted to see the ‘bread’ pandas!

What’s a gingerbread man’s favorite game? Hide and ‘seek’- the cookie jar!

Why do gingerbread men make good comedians? Because they’re always ‘cracking’ jokes!

What do you call a gingerbread man with a PhD? Doctor Dough!

Why did the gingerbread man bring a ladder to the bakery? He heard the muffins were on a high ‘roll’!

What’s a gingerbread man’s favorite type of music? ‘Crumb’ and bass!

What do you call a gingerbread man with a six pack? A biscuit with abs-olutely great icing!

Why did the gingerbread man go on a diet? He didn’t want to be a ‘chunky’ cookie!

What’s a gingerbread man’s favorite dance? The ‘sugar’ shuffle!

Why did the gingerbread man bring a map to the bakery? He heard there was a lot of ‘knead’ for directions!

What’s a gingerbread man’s favorite drink? Hot ‘cocoa’, they like dipping their toes!

What’s a gingerbread man’s favorite TV show? “Bake is the New Black”!

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