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Geometry jokes 📐 in 2025

Why did the scalene triangle get such poor grades in school?
– It was never right.

Why do churches hate geometry?
– There are alot of sins involves

Why was that one angle praising every other angle?
– This was because it was a complimentary angle!

What do you call a type of triangle that can hold its nerve even during very stressful situations?
– You call it an Ice-oceles triangle!

Why did the obtuse angle go into the hot tub?
– It was over 90 degrees.

Did you hear about the geometry teacher who left his parrot’s cage open?
– Polygon.

hen the geometry teacher say that there was more than one l in the spelling, what did he say? He said that it was a parallel spelling!

How did the professor react when his two-sided figure was rejected by the maths governing body?
– He said, “Let the bi-gons be bi-gons!”

What route did the geometry teacher take on his horse ride?
– He rode in an equine-lateral triangle.

What did the complementary angle say to the acute triangle?
– I like your hair cut.

Why was the geometry teacher late for work?
– Because she took the rhombus.

Why are 90 degrees angles famous for winning debate competitions?
– This is because they are always right!

Why do mathematicians never use sunscreen?
– Because they always want to get a tan!

What do you call a angle after an elephant steps on it?
– A wrecked-angle.

Why was Radian such a good safety on the football team?
– He covered the receivers from every angle.

I just finished up my spherical geometry class
– Dunno why I bothered, there’s literally no point.

Why did the student find geometry hard to grasp and learn?
– This was because it was an all-around problem for him!

Where did the mathematics teacher buy a ruler that was exactly three feet long?
– He must have got it from the yard sale in his neighborhood!

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