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Geometry jokes 📐 in 2024

Why did the police catch the murder of the geometry teacher?
– They investigated it from all angles

What was the reaction of the geometry teacher when he saw that his pet parrot had gone?
– He said, “Polygon!”

Why did the math teacher reject the job offer?
– Because he was being offered to make four figures, but he wanted to make six figures!

Why couldn’t the polygon play in the big game?
– He hurt his quadrilateral.

Why do inches obey yardsticks?
– It was their ruler.

A schoolmate paid me today, after I’d been helping him with geometry for a year…
– We’re square now

In geometry, what is the one shape that you can attain perfectly only after plenty of attempts?
– The shape is the tryangle!

In which government building, are geometry buffs and mathematicians employed?
– They all go to work at the Pentagon!

What do you call more than two L’s in geometry?
– A Parallel

Which shape is best for catching flies?
– A trapezoid.

Rick is sitting in his bar in Casablanca, enjoying the sublime beauty of geometry…
– He raises his glass and says, “Here’s looking at Euclid.”

Why was the teacher taking longer than usual to explain circles?
– Because he was continuously going off on a tangent.

Why had the obtuse angle visited the beach on a sunny day?
– Because the temperature was well over 90 degrees!

Why was the reason for scalene triangles never getting good marks in school exams?
– Unfortunately, no matter how much they tried, they could never be right!

Why was the trigonometry teacher so popular?
– He never gave them homework asSINments.

Why does Marx like geometry so much?
– Because of all the ENGELS

What spell did the witch put on the geometry professor to remove the evil spell off him? The witch said, “Hexagon!”

What is the favorite type of dessert for geometry teachers to have in a cafe?
– They love having the hypote-mousse!

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