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Geometry jokes 📐 in 2025

What should we call the geometry teacher who spent all his vacation at the seaside?
– You call him a tangent!

Why was the triangle able to run as fast as a horse?
– This was because it was equine-lateral triangle!

Where do geometry teachers go to work for the government?
– The pentagon.

What kind of tree do math teacher’s put their tree houses in?
– Geometrees.

I wanted to do geometry with my parrot…
– Then I remembered that polygon 🙁

Why is the circle considered a genius in the field of geometry? This is because it has 360 degrees!

Why can’t maths and geometry professors never enter heaven?
– This is because they have committed to many sines!

What did the grumpy circle say to the tangent line?
– Leave me alone.

Why wasn’t the angle able to get a bank loan?
– His parents wouldn’t cosine for him.

Geometry class brought out the worst in me…
– I used to go off on tangents.

Why could the two angles in a triangle not get a loan approved from the bank?
– This is because the bank wouldn’t sine the loan!

What is the kind of tree that the maths professor said we can make into any shape and any size?
– It can be none other than the geome-tree!

What did the acorn say when it grew up?
– Gee, I’m a Tree…

I found geometry tough to learn
– It was an all around problem for me.

What do you call a geometric shape that has been completely destroyed?
– You call it a rectangle!

Why were knights good in geometry in medieval times? This is because they had good squares!

What musical did the continuous extension of length go to see?
– A chorus line.

Why did the triangle divide it’s adjacent side by it’s hypotenuse?
– Be Cos.

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