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Geology jokes in 2025

You didn’t think these were good puns?
– Of quartz they were!

Why did the geologist get divorced?
– He took his wife for granite.

How did the blonde define hydrophobic on her Earth Science exam?
– Fear of utility bills.

What did the rock say after it failed its driving test?
– I don’t want to talc about it.

I’m going to look for gems this weekend,
– and I may need your assi-stones.

Why are geologists so hypercritical?
– Its their job to find the faults of things.

Why do geologists perform so well during intercourse?
– They really know how to make bedrock.

Did you hear about the drunk geologist?
– He finally hit rock bottom.

What do you call a benzene ring with all iron atoms instead of carbon atoms?
– A Ferrous wheel.

What’s a geologist’s favorite band?
– The Rolling Stones.

The new geology teacher hasn’t had it easy
– he got off to a rocky start.

I used to be a geologist
– It was a boring job

What did the boy volcano say to the girl volcano?
– I Lava You

Mountains aren’t funny, they’re hill-areas!

This book about rocks is a fascinating pebble-cation.

What’s a geologist’s favorite ice cream?
– Rock erode.

I must be a geologist
– I keep finding a new rock bottom.

What fruit contains Barium and double Sodium?
– BaNaNa!

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