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Gamer jokes 🎮🕹️ in 2024

Why did the gamer become a musician? To master their controller skills.

Why did the gamer join the circus? To perform tricks in the Ring of Honor.

How does a gamer calm down when they’re angry? They take a screenshot and send it to their friends.

Why did the gamer become a writer? To create the next great video game script.

How do you know when a gamer is lying? Their controller is disconnected.

Why did the gamer go to the library? To find a book on cheat codes.

What do you call a gamer who can’t aim? A shooter with no shot.

What do you call a gaming pig? Pork of War.

Why did the video game character go to the doctor? They had a case of carpal tunnel.

Why did the gamer cross the road? To get to the other side quest.

What do you call a group of gamers? A guild.

What do you call a gaming cow? Moo-sassin’s Creed.

Why did the gamer go to the dentist? They needed a new joystick.

Why did the gamer go to the park? To catch Pokemon.

What do you call a game where you play as a chicken? Fowl play.

Why did the gamer get a new car? He wanted to drive his enemies crazy.

Why did the gamer’s computer get sick? It had a virus.

Why did the gamer buy a new bed? To respawn in comfort.

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