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Fungi jokes 🍄 in 2024

What did the Eukaryote become when he realized he wasn’t a fungi, plant, or animal?
– A Protist-er.

What do you call a Fungi who doesn’t believe in God?
– Athyeast

What do you call a fungi that makes music?
– A decomposer.

Why is it not worth it to hunt for mushrooms?
– It’s too much truffle.

What do you get if you cross a harbour and a chime?
– A porto-bello!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Toad who?

What did the mycologist tell the problem solving mushroom?
– Put on your thinking cap!

When do mushrooms retire?
– When they get too mould!

Which vegetable should you have with jacket potatoes?
– Button mushrooms.

Why does Mario prefer to hang out with Toad more than Luigi?
– Because he’s a fungi.

How do you tell poisonous mushrooms apart from the edible ones?
– You give them to someone else to eat first.

What’s the problem with living in fungi?
– There’s not mush-room

What did one mushroom say to the other mushroom?
– Nothing. Mushrooms can’t talk.

What does a mushroom clean its house with?
– A mushbroom.

Where did they bury King Oyster Mushroom after his death?
– In a mushtomb!

Why was the mushroom invited to so many parties?
– Because he was a fungi!

Why did the fungi leave the party?
– There wasn’t mushroom for dancing.

Which vegetables goes best with jacket potatoes?
– Button Mushrooms.

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