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Frog Jokes 🐸 in 2025

What jumps up and down in front of a car?
– Froglights.

How do frogs fasten sheet metal?

What’s the difference between a cat and a frog?
-A cat has nine lives but a frog croaks every night.

Where do frogs leave their hats and coats?
-In the croakroom.

Have you heard the saying “Raining Cats & Frogs”?
-Don’t make fun of my lisp.

Did you hear about the young american indian frog tribe?
-They were tad-pole dancers.

What’s a frog’s favorite flower?
-A croakus.

Scientists have accidentally created immortal frogs
-While running experiments, they decided to cut some of the frogs vocal cords.
Ever since then, the frogs just wont croak

Why are frogs so happy?
– Because they eat whatever bugs them.

What does a frog do when it sees a bong?
-Rip it

What do you call a frog hanging from the ceiling at Christmas?

Why did the frog go to the bank with a gun?
-Whinney wants to!

How do you make a frog more pleasurable?
– Rib it

What do frogs and rabbits have in common?
-They both like hip hop.

What goes dot-dot-croak, dot-dash-croak?
– Morse toad.

Did you hear about the frog that had family from Warsaw?
– He was a Tad-Pole

What do frogs do with paper?
– Rip-it.

What do you get if cross a science fiction film with a toad?
– Star Warts.

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