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Frog Jokes 🐸 in 2025

Hey, do you guys want to hear a story about frogs?
-I think you’ll find it ribbeting

What did the bus driver say to the frog?
– Hop on.

Why can’t frogs ever complete their bucket lists?
– They croak before they even get started.

French guy goes into a bar with a frog on his head
– The bartender asks “where’d you get that?” And the frog says “in France. There’s loads of them”

Where do you get frog’s eggs?
– At the spawn shop.

Why don’t frogs give out parking tickets?
– Because they already toad ya!

What do you say if you meet a toad?
-Wart’s new?

How do you make an mechanical frog?
– You can’t use bolts, you have to use revets

What kind of shoes do frogs wear?
– Open toad sandals.

hat do you call a talking frog?
-A quantum leap.

What did a frog say to the other frog on the internet ?
– Reddit

Credit: My 10 yr old Niece.

What do you call a woman with a frog on her head?
– Lily!

What do you call a frog with no back legs?
– Unhoppy.

My son’s pet frog broke his leg yesterday
-He was very unhoppy…

Did you hear about the frog professor?
-He gave very ribitting lectures

What do you get when you cross an alligator and a poison frog?
-A croakadile.

Why did Kermit the Frog’s stage play get a standing ovation?
-He gave a ribbeting performance

Waiter, waiter, do you have frog legs?
-No, I always walk this way.

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