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Ford Jokes in 2025

Why do they put sidewalks beside most streets and highways?
-So FORD owners have a safe place to walk home.

What do you call Harrison Ford making a ven diagram?
-Comparison Ford.

You know what I like about ford?
-They circle the problem for you.

What is the Ford owner’s most ardent wish?
-To buy a car.

With Ford v Ferrari being so successful
-Chevy has decided to come out with their own movie. Total Recall

Why couldn’t 1 Ford Focus give the other Ford Focus a message?
-Broken transmission.

Why are the latest Fords so aerodynamically designed?
-It improves the Chevy tow truck’s fuel consumption.

Ford is creating a new company to manufacture electric vehicles using Tesla software and batteries.
-They’re naming it Edison.

Harrison Ford has broken his ankle.
-There will now be a new Star Wars cast.

Why does Ford make tractors and Opel not?
-So FORD owners have a safe place to walk home.

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