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Ford Jokes in 2025

What happens when you leave your ADHD medication in your Ford Fiesta?
-It turns into a Ford Focus.

Doctor, I think I have ADHD. I can never remember where I parked my Ford
-Doctor: That’s not how ADHD works.

Man: But I keep losing my Focus.

I bought the new “Ford” vacuum cleaner, but it doesn’t work.
-I guess it’s the only thing Ford has made that doesn’t suck.

What’s the difference between a Ford and the principal’s office?
-It’s less embarrassing if your friends see you leaving the principal’s office.

Ford should manufacturer a sedan called the Ore
-It would be the four-door Ford Ore

If Harrison Ford’s son were in the Navy, what would be his favorite city??

My friend is getting a new car – a “tangerine” ford focus. Dad drops this one…
-Tangerine focus… Isn’t that the same as orange concentrate?

Why do they fit ABS braking systems to the latest Fords?
-So the driver can stop quicker to pick up the fallen off parts.

What’s the difference between a Ford Fiesta and a Ford Focus?

Why did Harrison Ford Crash his plane?
-because he was flying solo and went look no hans…

What goes on pages 4-5 of the Ford’s user’s manual?
– The train & bus schedule.

The secret of enjoying a good bottle of wine:
-Open the bottle to allow it to breathe.
If it doesn’t look like it’s breathing, give it mouth-to-mouth.

Why do you want a Ford?
-Because its a-Ford-able

You’d think Henry Ford was African
-The way he Madagascar
^^^^I’ll ^^^^^let ^^^^^^myself ^^^^^^^out

Why did the cat sleep under the Ford Focus?
-Because he wanted to wake up oily.

What does Ford stand for?
-Found On Road Dead
My step dad is a super Chevy guy and told me this when I was young, drop your best Chevy/Ford jokes

Fords new heated tailgates..
-Fords working on a new heated tailgate feature, that way when you have to push it in the snow your hands won’t be cold.

How do you make a Ford go faster downhill?
-Turn off the engine.

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