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Food Jokes 🍔 in 2025

ake off my skin. I won’t cry but you will. What am I?
-An onion.

What do you call a worried hot dog?
-A frank fretter.

Why was the bread dough sad?
-It wanted to be kneaded by someone.

What is a buckaneer?
– Expensive corn!

What did Sergeant Peanut Butter shout to his jelly police officers?
– Spread out, men!

Why did the banana go out with the prune?
– Because he couldn’t find a date.

What do you call a pig that gets fired from his job?
-Canned ham!

What is Dracula’s favorite fruit?
-A Blood Orange.

What is red when you go and green when you stop?
-A watermelon.

Why did the bacon laugh?
-Because the egg cracked a yoke.

What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner?
-Your nose

What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?
– A carrot.

Why do hamburgers go to the gym
– To get better buns!

What can you put in a freezer that’s hot and will always come out hot?
-Hot sauce.

Where does the Easter bunny eat breakfast?

Paul is six feet tall. He is an assistant in a butcher shop. He wears size 9 shoes. What does he weigh?

Why did the cookie go to the doctor?
– Because he felt crummy.

What do ghosts eat for dinner?

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