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Flamingo jokes 🦩 in 2025

What’s the opposite of a flamingo?
– A flamin-stop.

What do you call a dead flamingo?
– A flaminghost

What do you get if you kiss a flamingo?
– A peck on the cheek!

What did the bird say when it was cold?
– Birrrrrrd.

How did the flamingo avoid the bird catcher?

My wife kept telling me to stop doing a flamingo impression…
– In the end I had to put my foot down

How do officials start the races at the pink bird olympics?
– They say three… two… one… flaminGO!

How do flamingos surf the internet?
– With their webbed feet.

Why do flamingos like to annoy each other?
– They enjoy ruffling some feathers.

Why do flamingos sleep with only one leg up?
– Because if they slept with both legs up, they would fall

What do you give a sick bird?
– Tweetment!

What language do pink birds speak?
– Fla-lingo.

What language do pink birds speak?
– Fla-lingo.

I found out why flamingos stand with one leg pulled up.
– If they pulled up both legs they would fall over.

Why are flamingos the most daring birds?
– They love anything egg-citing.

Why did the flamingo need a bandaid?
– It hurt it’s pinky.

When does a teacher carry birdseed?
– When there is a parrot-teacher conference!

What do you call a pink bird who likes fire?
– Flameingo.

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