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Fish Jokes 🐟 in 2025

The only thing I can take seriously in the newspapers nowadays is fish and chips…
-And even that I take with a pinch of salt.

What do you call a fish that won’t shut up?
– A big-mouthed bass.

What do you call a lazy Crawfish?
-A slobster

How do you catch an electric eel?
-Use a ligthning rod.

What is the easiest way to catch a fish?
-Have someone throw it to you.

Who eats at underwater restaurants?
-Scuba diners.

e?How does a squid go into battle?
-d!Well armed!

What do you call a fish with two legs?
– A two-knee fish.

Why do fish swim in schools?
-Because they can’t walk.

My child will not eat fish, what can I replace it with?
-A cat.
Cats love fish.

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