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Fireman jokes 🔥🚒🧯 in 2025

When the renowned shoe factory burned down, the firemen could only save the one shoe sole.
– Guess you could say, that it was the sole survivor!

The only way to inform the fire department about a fire is to call them on the hotline!

At this time of year, there’s nothing I love more than sitting in front of a warm fire, mulled wine in hand, and singing Christmas songs until I slowly fall asleep.
– And that’s why I’m no longer a fireman.

What should you call firefighters who start to grow flowers in their garden one day?
– You should just call them by their name!

When there is a trailer fire, what is the first thing to get off from the fire truck?
– It is a lawn chair!

What do you call a movie based on the hot California summers?
– Mrs. Droughtfire!

Why would firefighters be great action movie stars?
– Because they have a lot of expertise in doing their own stunts!

What should you call a fireman who is very motivated and pumped up?
– You should call him a fired up man!

Which band do dragons love to hear?
– The Flaming Lips.

The firefighter took part in the game show and reached the final.
– He was comfortable in playing the game because he was in the hot seat!

There was this firefighter that I had met for a few dates.
– You could get to say that she is my new flame!

What did the Pikachu say to the fireman?
– “Pikachu”

What did the iceberg say to the incoming fireman?
– “If you dare to come close, I’ll knock you out!”

Why did the moth become a firefighter?
– Because it liked things that were alight!

Why did the man hug the fire exit and said everything was ok?
– It had a sign that said it was alarmed.

What is the worst thing that can happen to a fireman ?
– To be fired.

Why did the fireman say that humans are like fire?
– Because if you don’t give them oxygen, they die!

What did the statistician say when half his body was engulfed in flames and the other half encased in ice?
– He said, “On average, I feel fine!”

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