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Fireman jokes 🔥🚒🧯 in 2025

What did the statistician say when half his body was engulfed in flames and the other half encased in ice?
– He said, “On average, I feel fine!”

What did the father reply when the son asked him what the least favorite letter of a firefighter is?
– He said, “R, son!”

What award will you give to a firefighter?
– The most extinguished person.

Why was the man crying frantically amidst the ashes of the burnt forest?
– He had lost a deer friend in the wildfires.

What happens when a firefighter visits a new place or meets new people?
– They are always greeted with a lot of warmth!

What would you get if you walked across fiery coals?
– Hot chee-toes!

I have always wondered about when a firefighter loses his job, is he fired, or does he get the ax!

The fireman would always get into a bit of trouble because he was a hothead!

My favorite quote is: “Kill it with fire”…
– Shouldn’t have wrote that on my resume when I applied for a fireman.

What do you say when a chopper that Batman is flying bursts into flames?
– You say, “Christian, bail!”

If there is H2O on the inside of a fire hydrant in a fire truck, then what is on the outside?
– It is K9P!

What happens when a wildfire makes a little joke?
– You get burned!

Why was the fire chief calling for more water during the fire?
– Because the fire had taken place at a sponge factory!

If a fireman has two eyes, then how many eyes will a policeman have?
– He, too, will have just two eyes!

What would happen if the fire chief and newbie jumped out of the house on fire one day?
– The chief would land first because the newbie would stop and ask others for directions.

What did the dad say when his son asked, “Are we breaking the rules by setting fire to the building?”
– He said, “We are, son.”

If you ask any firefighter what kind of cracker he preferred to eat,
– he would always reply that it is a firecracker!

My friend wants to be a fireman one day because he has a lot of burning passion for the job!

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