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Fireman jokes 🔥🚒🧯 in 2025

Whenever I ask my firefighter sister how her job is going, she always replies that her job is lit!

I mean really, who does that? Who just walks up, pounds on your door and tells you, “You need to be saved or you’re going to burn!”
– The nerve of that fireman…

How many firemen does it take to change a light bulb?
– You will actually need 5 to change a light bulb. One to change it while the others will cut a hole in the roof and hold the ladder!

Why was the pandemic bad for the firefighters?
– Because they had to work in their homes!

What should you ring when a little dragon starts singing?
– A fire alarm!

What did the fireman say to the chairman of the small-town football club, who had asked him to save the cups, when the fire started in the stadium?
– The firefighter informed him that the fire hadn’t spread to the kitchen yet!

How did the firefighter propose to his female colleague from the fire department?
– He said, “You set my heart on fire!”

What did the flame say to her friends after she fell in love?
– “I found the perfect match!”

What happens when you sleep like a log?
– You wake up in the fireplace!

The fire department and the firemen tried to save the bakery,
– but by the time they got there, things were already toast!

Did you hear about the fireman who was hurt rescuing a cat from a tree?
– He went out on a limb.

As firefighters are supposed to be very quick, how do they sleep?
– They are always fast asleep!

What is the one thing that firefighters save during a fire?
– They always save the foundation!

Why do firefighters like the summer?
– Because they are used to the heat!

What happens to firefighters who don’t perform well at their jobs?
– They get fired!

Why do many fire departments keep dalmatians?
– Because they assist them in looking for hydrants!

What do you call an overcoat that goes up in flames?
– A blazer!

What happened when the shoe factory was on fire?
– Many soles were lost!

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