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Feminist jokes in 2024

Why did the feminist refuse to use a whiteboard? She wanted to show that women were just as capable of using a blackboard.

Why did the feminist refuse to wear makeup? She didn’t want to conform to society’s beauty standards.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a dishwasher? She wanted to show that cleaning dishes wasn’t just a woman’s job.

Why did the feminist refuse to wear high heels? She didn’t want to be objectified.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a power drill? She wanted to show that women were capable of fixing their own things.

Why did the feminist refuse to go to the gym? She didn’t want to conform to society’s beauty standards.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a smartphone? She wanted to show that women could live without being constantly connected.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a washing machine? She didn’t want to be seen as someone who only did “women’s work”.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a blender? She preferred to do things by hand, like women used to do.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a hair dryer? She preferred to let her hair air dry.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a wrench? She wanted to show that women were capable of building things.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a microwave? It was just another example of men wanting things fast and easy.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a car? She wanted to show that women were capable of getting around on their own.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a blender? She preferred to do things by hand.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a sewing machine? She wanted to show that women were capable of more than just sewing.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a scale? She didn’t want to be defined by a number.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a typewriter? She knew that women were just as capable of using modern technology.

Why did the feminist refuse to use a calculator? She was capable of doing math in her head.

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