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Farm Jokes 🌾 in 2025

What did the farmer say when he lost one of his cows?
-What a miss-steak

Why did the pig dump her boyfriend?
-Because he was a real BOAR.

I don’t get people who hate farm animals.
-Horses, for example, are the glue of this society!

Why did the scarecrow win the Nobel Prize?
-Because he was out standing in his field!

Why did the farmer plow her field with a steamroller?
-Because she wanted to grow mashed potatoes!

How did the organic vegetable die?
-Natural causes.

How did the organic vegetable die?
-Natural causes.

Why can’t the bankrupt cowboy complain?
-He has got no beef.

What happens when you run out of manure on a farm?
-You have to make doo.

How did the farmer find his lost cow?
-He tractor down.

Who tells chicken jokes?

All of the cows on the farm networked all of their computers so they could stream the latest Disney film.
-They set up a moo LAN.

Why do cows have hooves instead of feet?
-Because they lactose!

What do you get when you cross a robot and a tractor?
-A transfarmer.

What do you call a magic cow?
– Moodini.

An environmentalist friend of mine told me I should buy organic because it’s sustainable.
– I looked at my bank account, and I really disagree.

What is a horse’s favorite sport?
-Where’s popcorn?

What do you call the boss at Old McDonald’s Farm?

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