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Farm Jokes 🌾 in 2025

What do you call the boss at Old McDonald’s Farm?

Did you hear about the magic tractor?
-It turned into a field.

What did the farmer get when he crossed an owl with a goat?
-A ‘Hootenanny.’

Somebody stole my first edition copies of 1984 and Animal Farm.
– Oh well.

What is a farmer’s favorite Bruce Springsteen song?
-Born in the USDA.

Farmer John is so interested in conserving energy, he built a pig-powered car.
-He has to get rid of it, though.
Every time he turns a corner, the tires squeal.

What do you call a cow with full armor?
-Sir loin.

What is the difference between organic fried chicken and GMO fried chicken?

Where does a farmer get his medicine from?
-The farm-acist.

I tried to navigate the farmer’s field…
-But it was a maize.

Why is rabbit farming a terrifying profession?
-Every day is a hare-raising experience.

Why do cows like being told jokes?
-Because they like being amoosed

What happened when the farmer crossed a chili pepper, a shovel, and a terrier?
-He got a hot-diggity-dog!

What’s black and white and eats like a horse?
-A Zebra!

As farmers, we hear a lot of jokes about sheep.
-We’d tell them to the dog, but he’d herd them all!

No farm building should ever, under any circumstances, be used as a convent…
-Barn nun.

What do you get when you pamper a cow?
– Spoiled milk.

If you pickle a loaf of bread, is it a dill-dough?
-(Scoop Whoop)

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