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Engineering Jokes 👷 in 2025

What to give your favorite electrical engineer for his birthday?

Old Software Engineers Never Die…
-They just reboot.

Two wifi engineers got married.
-Their reception was fantastic. anymore!

Where in the World Can You Find the Highest Concentration of Engineers?
-Antarctica! Because that’s where all the P. Enguins are!

When engineering professors try to tell jokes.
-We were doing a lab using diesel engines.

A train engineer believed a hospital ship was the site of secret government conspiracy and decides to ram it with his train.
– Now that’s what I call a loco-motive.

Civil engineer fired after forgetting how to design electricity-generating water barriers.
-He lost his dam mind.

I immediately thought it was the best idea to check if at least the engine was still able to run before deciding to get a mechanic to assess the situation. I put the key in and gave it a go but I got nothing
-I guess the car was two tired.

What did the Railroad Engineer say to his apprentice?
-You need more training.

What did the electrical engineer say when he got shocked?
-That hertz.

I was watching a documentary on Chinese engineering.
-They were discussing the Three Gorges Dam on the Yangtze River, the worlds largest hydroelectric dam.

I have an exciting new job as an explosives engineer blowing up mountains for tunnels and roads.
-It’s Groundbreaking work.

What did the structural engineer say to the architect?
-Nice buttress.

During an engineering class.
-Teacher: “Anyone know what’s holding them together?”
Student: “Suction?”
Teacher: “No. That answer sucked.”

My son wants to be a fan engineer…
-They really blow him away!

Engineers like to Solve Problems but…
-If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own.

Shoot out all your engineer/
-engineering jokes, fellas!

Railroad engineers are great at their jobs.
-They have a lot of training

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