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Elf Jokes 🧝 in 2025

Who sings “Blue Christmas” on a toy guitar?

Why did Father Christmas have to shut his workshop one day?
– For an elf and safety check!

Where do you find elves?
– Usually right around where you left them.

What’s an animal that never forgets Christmas?
– An elfant.

What do you call an elf who is walking backwards?
– A Fle!

Why kind of photographs do elves like taking?
– Elfies.

What do elves like to eat for lunch?
– Sandwich wraps.

What do elves say when meeting mutual friends?
– “Small world!”

What would you call an elf with lots of money?
– W-elfy!

Why do none of the elves names begin with ‘S’?
– Because that would be selfish.

– Elfis.

What did Santa say to the elf who said he made the worst toys?
– Don’t be little yourself.

Why did the elf sleep in the fireplace?
– Because he wanted to sleep like a log.

Which elf is the best jazz singer?
– Elfa Fitzgerald.

What are elves’ favourite animals?
– Elf-e-phants!

How many elves does it take to change a light bulb?
– Ten: One to change it and nine to stand on one another’s shoulders.

Why did the elf do so poorly in school?
– He had a short attention span.

What do you call a Santa’s helper with a rags to riches story?
– Cinderelfa.

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