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Elevator jokes in 2024

Why did the elevator door close on the mime? It didn’t hear his plea for help.

How do you know when an elevator is feeling bored? It has the doors opening and closing repeatedly.

Why don’t elevators like jokes? They’re too up-tight.

Why did the woman take the elevator instead of the stairs? She didn’t want to mess up her makeup.

Why did the businessman refuse to get on the elevator with his boss? He didn’t want to be taken down a peg or two.

Why did the man take the elevator instead of the stairs? He wanted to get a lift up in life.

What do you call an elevator that always stops on every floor? A lift with no discretion.

Why did the man take the elevator instead of the stairs? He wanted to save his energy for the party.

Why did the woman take the elevator instead of the stairs? She didn’t want to be taken down a level.

How do you know when an elevator is feeling energetic? It arrives at your floor quickly.

How do you know when the elevator is going up or down? It’s a matter of up-lifting or down-lifting music.

How do you know when an elevator is feeling happy? It has the up button elated.

Why did the man take the stairs instead of the elevator? He wanted to step up his exercise routine.

What’s the worst thing about getting stuck in an elevator with a talkative person? The constant chatter.

What’s the worst thing about sharing an elevator with someone who’s scared of heights? The awkward silence.

Why did the man take the elevator instead of the stairs? He wanted to save his energy for the game.

Why did the elevator operator get fired? He took too many ups and downs in his personal life.

Why did the woman take the elevator instead of the stairs? She didn’t want to climb to the top.

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