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Elephant Jokes 🐘 in 2025

What’s the same size and shape as an elephant but weighs nothing?
-An elephant’s shadow.

How do you know if there is an elephant in the pub?
-It’s bike is outside.

Why are elephants bad dancers?
-Because they have two left feet!

What do you call an elephant that has read all these hilarious elephant jokes and puns here?
– An elaughant.

How can you tell that elephants always ready for an adventure?
-They’ve always got their trunks ready to go

hy do elephants have large feet?
-To stomp out flaming ducks!

What did the elephant say when he saw a dead ant on the road?
-Deadant, Deadant, Deadant! (sung to Pink Panther tune).

Why couldn’t the two elephants go swimming together?
-Because they only had one pair of trunks!

How is an elephant like an apricot?
-They are both gray. Well, except the apricot.

How do you know if there are two elephants in the pub?
-There is a dent in the cross-bar.

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