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Elephant Jokes 🐘 in 2025

What do elephants and trees have in common?
– They both have big trunks!

What is big, grey and has a lot of red bumps?
-An elephant that was stung by a lot of bees!

Why do elephants paint their toenails red?
– So they can hide in a strawberry patch.

What do you get when an elephant skydives?
-A big hole!

: Why don’t more elephants go to college?
-Not too many elephants finish high school. 🙁

What did the skeleton say to the vampire?
-You suck.

What do you call en elephant with an extra long nose?

How do you eat an elephant?
-One bite at a time

How can you tell if there’s an elephant on your back during an hurricane?
-You can hear his ears flapping in the wind.

Where does an elephant pack his luggage?
-In his trunk!

Why couldn’t the two elephants go swimming together?
-Because they only had one pair of trunks!

Why do elephants hide in strawberry patches?
-So they can jump out and stomp on people.

How do you get an elephant up a tree?
-To stomp out forest fires.

What do you call elephants who ride on trains?
– Passengers.

What’s red and white on the outside and gray and white on the inside?
Campbell’s Cream of Elephant soup..

A skeleton decided not to go to his school dance
-He didn’t go since he had nobody to go with.

Why did the elephant fall out of the tree?
-Because it was dead.

What do you call an elephant in a telephone booth?

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