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Elephant Jokes 🐘 in 2025

Why do elephants never forget?
-Because nobody ever tells them anything!

I find it wild that people would use cleaning products on their skeletons.
-But to bleach their bone, I guess.

How do you get two elephants in a pickup truck?
– One in the cab, one in the back.

How is an elephant like a tree?
-They are both gray. Well, except the tree.

Where do baby elephants come from?
-BIG storks.

Why don’t elephants like playing cards in the jungle?
-Because of all the cheetahs!

Why did the elephants get kicked out of the pool?
-Because their trunks kept falling down!

What do you call an elephant that never showers?
-A smellyphant!

Why did the third elephant fall out of the tree?
-Peer pressure.

What’s the difference between a mouse and an elephant?
-About a ton!

What is the biggest type of ant?
-An eleph-ant!

What do you get when an elephant sky dives?
-A big hole.

How do you get two mice in a pickup truck?
-You can’t … it’s full of elephants.

But what do trees and elephants have in common?
-They have big trunks.

Why can’t an elephant ride a bicycle?
-Because he doesn’t have thumbs to ring the bell.

What do you call a elephant that never washes?
-A smellyphant!

What did the elephant do when he hurt his toe?
-He called a tow truck!

How do elephants talk to each other?
-On the ele-phone!

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