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Elephant Jokes 🐘 in 2025

What do you get when you cross an elephant with a kangaroo?
-Great big holes all over Australia.

What do you call an elephant that never takes a shower?
-A smellyphant!

There were two elephants under one umbrella, why didn’t they get wet?
– It wasn’t raining..

Why do elephants make bad missionaries?
-They’re always trunky! (Someone is trunky if their trunk is packed and they’re just thinking about returning home).

What was the elephant doing on the freeway?
-About 5 mph

What’s the difference between a dozen eggs and an elephant?
-If you don’t know, I’m sure not going to send you to the store for a dozen eggs!

How do you make an elephant float?
-Well, you take 10 elephants, 10 tons of chocolate ice-cream, 5 tons
tons of bananas,…..

What did the elephant do to unwind after work?
– He watched ele-vision!

What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of giraffes in the distance?
– “Haha! You fooled me once with those disguises, but not this time!”

If you took away an elephants trunk how would it smell?
-Trunk or no trunk it would still smell pretty bad!

Which animals were last to leave Noah’s ark?
– The elephants, because they had to pack their trunks!

Why do elephants need trunks?
– Because they don’t have glove compartments.

How do you smuggle an elephant across the border?
– Put a slice of bread on each side, and call him ‘lunch’.

What is large, grey, and wears glass slippers?

What is big, green, hangs in a tree and has a trunk?
– An unripe elephant.

Where are elephants found?
– Elephants are so big they are hardly ever lost.

What do elephants and trees have in common?
– They both have big trunks!

What is big, grey and has a lot of red bumps?
-An elephant that was stung by a lot of bees!

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