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Electrician jokes ⚡ in 2025

You shouldn’t try being your own electrician
– This piece of advice shouldn’t shock you

What did the electrician say right before dying?
– The power cable does not have any power.

Why was the thermometer smarter than the average electrician?
– Because it had more degrees.

Why did the professor throw the promising student out of the class on the fifth floor?
– Because he felt that the student had potential.

Electrician goes into coma after coming in contact with power lines.
– “He should be fine,” say the doctors. “He’s just taking a power nap.”

Do you know why pets like to snuggle with electricians?
– Because they are electro-cute.

Do you know why the optimistic electrician get fired?
– He kept changing the negatives into positives.

What did the electrician get on his general foreman exam?

– Slobber

What kind of humor does an electrician hate the most?
– Well, shock humor.

I lost my job as an electrician.
– They said that I re-fused too much work.

What are some worms that eat up electric wires?
– Electro-maggots.

What is the first thing an electrician says when someone breaks up with them?
– I thought you would not hertz me.

I really like Electricians.
– They are so electrocute

Why did the electrician get killed in a debate?
– He used conductive reasoning.

I met a really bad electrician at the bar last night…
– At first there were some sparks, but he ended up saying some pretty nasty things to me and I left shocked.

An old electrician was trying to make a pre-apprentice laugh.
– Nothing worked. He finally said, “I give up. I guess my jokes are just too old.
– I need some that are more current.”

What’s an electrician’s favorite ice cream flavor?

– Shock-o-late

Electricians have to strip to make ends meet
– Shocking i know

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