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Economic jokes 📊 in 2025

Why did Capitalist Santa give all his presents to the rich?
– He wanted jingle down economics to take place

What are the first two laws of economics?
– For each economist, there’s supposed to exist an equal and opposite economist; the second law suggests that they’re both wrong.

Sweden formerly had a credit rating of AAA, now it is ABBA.

– You can lead a jackass to logic but you can’t make them think.

If you laid all of the world’s economists end-to-end they wouldn’t reach a conclusion.

It is easier to tell a book by it’s cover than without it.

If God meant for humans to fly He wouldn’t have created so much traffic around the airport at flight times.

In a world of blind people a cane maker is king.

There are two “i’s” in Idiot but only one in Cyclops.

Why did one man decide to become an economist after being a banker for 25 years?
– He lost interest.

A group of vegetables decided to stage a protest outside of the economic firm. It was the onions.

How many economists does it take to change a light bulb?
– Seven, plus/minus ten.

A mathematician, a scientist, and an economist walk past a field of cows.
– The mathematician says “Those cows are brown on this side.”

The scientist says “Those are brown cows.”

The economist wrinkles his brow, nods, and says “All cows are brown.”

What grade did the socialist get from economics?
– Top Marx

Why did the rich man give the university a lot of money to be able to study economics?
– He wanted to study it at any cost.

Why was the trader overjoyed when the hotel he was staying at offered him a complimentary breakfast?
– He loved a good spread.

Why was astrology invented?
– So economics would seem like an accurate science.

How many economists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
How many economists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

– Someone else has do it, because the economist won’t know if the bulb is recessed properly until it has already been turned at least 2 quarters.

Why are books about the social contract and demand-side economics so hard to find?
– Because they’re kept firmly under Locke and Keynes.

One of the economist’s biggest dreams was to produce his own show about economics. Unfortunately, he could never do it because he didn’t know the factors of production.

The best people to send to colonise Mars are economists. They enjoy housing bubbles.

Economic research
– Economists are still trying to figure out why the girls with the least principle attract the most interest.

Teach a parrot the words supply and demand,
– and you’ve got yourself an economist.

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