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Economic jokes 📊 in 2025

Why did the economist and the banker decide to get married?
– They had a great bond.

How many economists does it take to change a light bulb?
– None, if it was broken, the market would fix it.

A central banker walks into a pizzeria to order a pizza. When the pizza is done, he goes up to the counter get it. There a clerk asks him: “Should I cut it into six pieces or eight pieces?” The central banker replies: “I’m feeling rather hungry right now. You’d better cut it into eight pieces.”

Three men are on a train.
– One is an economist, one is a logician, and the other is a mathematician.

They are riding into Scotland, as they pass a brown cow.

The economist says, “Look, the cows in Scotland are brown.”

The logician says, “No, there are cows in Scotland of which at least one is brown”

The mathematician says, “No, There is at least one cow in scotland, of which one side appears to be brown from this distance”

How many economists do you need to change a light bulb?
– You don’t need any. If the light bulb really had to change, the market forces would have already made it happen.

The sea was really annoyed that his finances had been stagnant for years. He was tired of the long wave.

I always find that deflation is a bit of a let down.

What do plumbers and economists have in common?
– They both deal with gross domestic product.

Economic research
Economists are still trying to figure out why the girls with the least principle attract the most interest.

Why did the woman have to close her balloon business?
– It couldn’t survive the cost of inflation.

Why was the trader so happy that he got three chickens in exchange for his deer?
– They merely cost him a buck.

Two economists were sitting at a nudist colony. The one said, “Have you read Marx?”
– The other says, “It’s these wicker chairs.”

How many economists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
– I don’t know. They just keep going on and on about how the last one broke.

Barron Trump: “Dad, can you help me with my economics homework?”
– Donald: “no, son. It wouldn’t be right.”

Barron: “I know, but will you try it anyway?”

What did one man say to the economy when all of his goods started to become worthless?
– I don’t depreciate the fact that all of this is happening to me.

Due to the current economic situation in the world, I’ve started a dating site for chickens.
– It’s not my full-time job, I’m just doing it…
…to make hens meet.

Grocery Economics
– A man and his economist friend are having lunch.

the man mentions that he’s noticed something strange when he buys groceries each week. “I always buy a tub of margarine, but I’ve noticed that, even though it’s the same price every time, there’s less margarine in the tub. I can’t figure out what’s going on.”

The economist friend nods with a knowing smile and responds “what you have there is a case of the Law of diminishing Margarinal returns.”

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