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Economic jokes 📊 in 2025

World leaders Bill and Boris are taking a break from a long summit, Boris says to Bill, “Bill, you know, I have a big problem I don’t know what to do about. I have a hundred bodyguards and one of them is a traitor. I don’t know which one.” “Not a big deal Boris,” Bill responds. “I’m stuck with a hundred economists I have to listen to all the time before any policy decision and only one tells the truth.” “That sounds like the same situation,” Boris says. “Yes,” replies Bill. “But in my case, it’s never the same one!”

There were two economists who were shipwrecked on a desert island.
– They had no money but over the next three years they made millions of dollars selling their hats to each other.

What do Labour supporters and trickle down economics have in common?
– They don’t work.

Why can’t two economists from different schools of thought ever agree?
– They’re debating from different premises.

What market do possessive traders hate?
– The share market.

How many conservative economists does it take to screw in a light bulb?
– None. Eventually, the darkness will make the light bulb screw itself in.

How does an economist open a can of beans?
– “Assume you have a can opener…”

My college professor makes extra money by forcing his students to buy his book at the beginning of the term.
– It’s textbook Economics.

One day, an inflation’s friends noticed that he was acting very jumpy. After discussing the matter with each other, they finally asked him, “Why are you acting so hyper, inflation?”

My problem with the economy is that at there is too much month left at the end of the money.

With terrorists in Iran, Turkey helping fund ISIS, and Greece in economic shambles I must ask.
– If Iran attacked Turkey from the rear do you think Greece would help?

An old joke no one I know likes
– Two economists are sitting on a bench. One says to the other “do you understand the economy?”

The other economist says “Let me explain, I’m an economist. It starts–”

The other interrupts “Oh no, I understand. I’m an economist too. We can both explain the economy, do you *understand* it?”

Who had the most success after inflation hit the market?
– Bouncy castles.

The dollar who turned into a real estate agent is fantastic at his job. He makes sure to tell people about the price ceiling and price floor the minute they enter the house.

President Truman once said he wants an economic adviser who is one handed. Why?
– Because normally the economists giving him economic advice state, “On one hand and on the other…”

What do you get when you cross an economist with a Mafia godfather?
– An offer you can’t understand.

My wife, who is an economics professor told me she wants a divorce
– I’m not surprised, over the years I’ve felt she lost *interest* on me

What should an economy student utilize to predict constant-dollar estimates?
– The student should use a deflator mouse.

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