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Economic jokes 📊 in 2025

A friend of mine invented a washing machine for bank notes. It’s a real money spinner.

What’s Kanye West’s brilliant economic plan as president?
– To put 50 cent into the Treasury

What mode of transportation does an economist prefer?
– A banking cycle.

Another week, another request for a topic. Well, sort of. Heidi and I were discussing the pros and cons of quantitative easing recently, and that seemed as good as any, so here are some economy jokes. Of course, of all the revelations you might find here, originality and funniness are unlikely to be among them.

On the first day, God created the sun. In response, the Devil created sunburn. On the second day, God created sex. In response, the Devil created marriage. On the third day, God created an economist. This was a tough one for the Devil, but, in the end, and after a lot of thought, he created a second economist.

Two economists fall into a hole
– they realize they are trapped, and so they come up with a plan. The first step in their plan is… assume a ladder.

Three graduates are stood in McDonalds.
– The economics graduate asks how the business became so successful and made so much money?

The engineering graduate asks how the kitchens were built to maximise production efficiency.

The fine arts graduate asks, “Do you want fries with that?”.

Do you know about an economics student injured his neck by diving into a pool?
– He didn’t remember to seasonally adjust.

Why did one economist decide to leave his expensive rented apartment and move into a small studio?
– He figured he’d lost enough interest in it to continue any further.

I bought a Greek salad today. He was down on his luck.

An economists left leg is on fire and his right leg is frozen…
– He says “on average I’m perfectly fine

I cried because
– Pessimist: of my ugly shoes until I met a man with no feet

Economists: the man with no feet saved so much on shoes

Minimalist: I can’t be as minimal cool as the dude with no feet

F*ckboy: I can’t say look ma, no feet!

Foot-fetish lovers:

Why did one man only prefer writing in lowercase?
– He wasn’t too fond of capitalism.

What did the store that traded fruits and measuring equipment post on its Facebook?
– Banana for scale.

There were two economists who were shipwrecked on a desert island. They had no money but over the next three years, they made millions of dollars selling their hats to each other.

A couple economists are strolling down the street
– One looks in a store front window and says “That’s a nice pair of shoes”. The other replies, “Nonsense, if there was a nice pair of shoes, someone would have looted them already.”

I would tell you an economics joke
– But there isnt enough demand

Why did the economist and the banker decide to get married?
– They had a great bond.

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