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Easter jokes 🐰 in 2025

What kind of music do bunnies like?
– Hip Hop

What do you need if your chocolate eggs mysteriously disappear?
– An eggsplanation

How do rabbits stay cool during the summer?
-With hare conditioning

What happened to the Easter Bunny when he was naughty at school?
-He was eggs-pelled

What kind of bean can’t grow in a garden?
-A jelly bean.

What do you get if you cross Winnie the Pooh and the Easter Bunny?
-A honey bunny

What did one Easter egg say to the other Easter egg?
-Want to hear a funny yolk

How does an Easter chicken bake a cake?
– From scratch

What’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite sport?

Why does Peter Cottontail hop down the bunny trail?
– Because he is too young to drive

What does a bunny rabbit do in the rain?
-Get wet

Why was the father Easter egg so strict?
-He was hard-boiled

What do you call a forgetful rabbit?
-A hare-brain

Why did the Easter Bunny have to fire the duck?
-He kept quacking the eggs

What did the Easter Bunny say to the carrot?
-Nice gnawing you.

What proof is there that carrots are good for the eyes?
-You don’t see rabbits wearing eye glasses

How does the Easter Bunny’s day always end?
-With a Y

Why are people always tired in April?
-Because they’ve just finished a March

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