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Duck jokes 🦆 in 2025

On what side does a duck have the most feathers?
-The outside.

Why do ducks make good detectives?
-Because they always quack the case!

What do ducks say when you try to charge them?

-Put it on my bill..

What do ducks say when people throw things at them?
-Time to duck!

Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Quack who?
Quack open the door and you’ll see!

What did the duck say when the waiter brought the check?
-Please put it on my bill

When is roast duck not good for your health?
-When you’re the duck.

Where do tough ducks come from?
-Hard-boiled eggs.

Why does a duck say quack?
-Because it can’t say moo.

Why did the duck cross the road?
-To show the chicken how to do it.

What did the ducks carry their schoolbooks in?
-Their quack-packs.

When does a duck get up in the morning?
-At the quack of dawn!

Why did the duck cross the baseball field?
-He heard the umpire calling fowls

What is a chick’s favorite drink?

Why are ducks bad drivers?
– Their windshields are quacked.

Which side of a duck has the nicest feathers?
-The outside.

How do ducks make pancakes?
-They use bis-quack.

What do you call a cow and two ducks?
– Milk and quackers.

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