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Dragon Jokes 🐲 in 2025

What type of reptile uses a toilet?
– Commode-o-dragon (commode is another word for a flush toilet).

What eats more tacos than one dragon?
-Two dragons

What happens when you try to crossbreed a turtle and a dragon?
-You get a crushed turtle.

Why can’t the Ender Dragon ever understand a book?
-Because he always starts at the end.

Why are dragons so amazing at making music?
-They really know their scales.

Where did knights learn to kill dragons?
-At knight school!

Knock knock.
Who’s there?
-Dragon who?
Dragon today and could use a nap.

You think dinosaurs are scary?
-Imagine dragons!

What do you call Dragon with no silver?
-A dron

What do you call a dragon who can juggle?
– Talon-ted.

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