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Doughnut jokes 🍩 in 2024

How do you make a doughnut laugh? You tell it a “hole” lot of jokes.

How do you make a doughnut feel appreciated? You “glaze” it with love.

Why did the doughnut go to the concert? To hear the “hole”-some music.

Why did the doughnut go to the nightclub? To dance the “hole”y night away.

Why did the doughnut go to the dentist? To get a “hole”-some checkup.

What do you call a doughnut that’s a comedian? A “jelly-filled” jester.

What do you call a doughnut that’s a philosopher? A “dough”-losopher.

Why did the doughnut go to the beach? To work on its “tan” lines.

Why did the doughnut go to the airport? To catch a “hole”-iday flight.

How do you make a doughnut feel confident? You “glaze” it with compliments.

How do you make a doughnut feel important? You “glaze” it with significance.

What do you call a doughnut that’s been working out? A “buffin.”

Why did the doughnut go to the ocean? To find the “hole”y sea.

Why did the doughnut go to the aquarium? To see the “hole”y fishes.

What do you call a doughnut that’s a fashionista? A “glaze”-ionista.

What do you call a doughnut that’s a scientist? A “dough”-analytical researcher.

Why did the doughnut go to the amusement park? To ride the “hole”-y roller coasters.

Why did the doughnut go to the karaoke bar? To sing “hole”-y tunes.

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