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Donut Jokes 🍩 in 2025

How can a topology student tell the difference between a coffee mug and a donut?
-He can’t.

What do you call an underwater Dunken Donuts?
-Sunken Donuts

What do you call a cute donut?

What do do-nuts wear to weddings?

Who is the most popular woman?
-The one who can eat the last donut

This morning I was in my car doing donuts in the parking lot at work
-Now I have glaze all over my balls.

Why couldn’t the teddy bear finish his donut?
-He was stuffed!

What do you get when you cross Frosty with a baker?
-Frosty the Dough-Man!

The police say that they burn all the weed they confiscate…
-That would explain the donuts…

I’m opening a grocery store that specializes in Swiss cheese and donuts.
-I’m calling it Hole Foods.

Oldie but goodie: How does Bob Marley like his donuts?
-Wi jammin

Why Was The Baker So Depressed About Purchasing Containers That Only Fit 12 Donuts?
-If you ask him he will give you 13 Reasons Why.

Why did the clock in the donut shop run slow?
-It always went back four seconds

Why do donuts hate puns so much?
-They donut like to joke around!

What are strange donuts made out of?
-Weird doughs…

What was the donut’s least favorite part of its day?
-I’m not really sure; it glazed over that part.

What do you call a Boston creme donut that’s a straight-A student?
-The creme of the crop.

I’m opening a dispensary that sells weed and donuts.
-It called glazed and confused.

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