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Donkey jokes in 2025

How long should a donkey’s legs be?
– Long enough to reach the ground!

What do donkeys like to watch on TV?
– Bray Watch!

What’s the hardest key to turn?
– A donkey.

What game do donkeys play at parties?
– Pin the tail on the human!

What’s the hardest key to turn?
– A donkey.

What do you call a donkey with 3 legs and one eye?
– A winky wonky.

What do you call a donkey on a unicycle?
– A wheel-burro.

What do you get when you have Avogadro’s number of donkeys?
– Molasses.

Why did the donkey cross the road?
– Because someone shouted hay!

What do you call a man with two donkeys?
– Biased.

Why did the donkey eat with its mouth open?
– Because it had bad stable manners.

If a donkey bucks you in the face…
…is it still considered an “ass-kicking”?

A donkey had an IQ of 186.
– He had no friends at all though. Because even in the animal kingdom, nobody likes a smart-ass.

Why didn’t the donkey cross the road?
– He saw what happened with the zebra.

What do you get when you combine a kangaroo with a donkey?
– A kick-ass.

What do you get when you cross a donkey and a motorbike?
– A Yam-hee-haw

Two donkeys are standing at a roadside,
one asks the other: Shall we cross?

His friend replies: No way, look what happened to that zebra.

Awesome Reporting of the Accident
– A car was involved in an accident. As expected a large crowd gathered. A newspaper reporter, anxious to get his story, could not get near the car. Being a clever sort, he started shouting loudly, Let me through! Let me through! I am the son of the victim. The crowd made way for him. Lying in front of the car was a donkey.

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