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Dolphin jokes 🐬 in 2025

What currency do dolphins use?
– Sand dollars!

What’s is a dolphin’s favourite day?
– Fin-dependence day!

If Cinderella were a dolphin she might leave her glass flipper behind at the ball.

When dolphins go to the shop do they spend US dollars?
– No they have their own currensea.

If we are lucky we’ll see a whole school of dolphins.
– I herd fish story about someone who spotted three pods in one outing!

Who helps poorly dolphins at the underwater hospital?
– Sturgeons!

Why was the dolphin so sad?
– His life had no porpoise.

Have you ever tried to cut the fins off a dolphin?

– It really defeats the porpoise?

For breakfast I’d invite a monkey, for lunch I’d invite a whale and for spinner I’d invite a dolphin.

What do you say when the boat’s captain is right?
– Sea Señor!

What did people say when the dolphin walked on water?
– “It’s just a fluke!” (Fluke = a dolphin’s tail.)

When the dolphin was feeling sad, how did the octopus make him laugh?
– With ten-tickles.

What do dolphins say when they hear bad jokes?
– “That’s the seal-iest thing I’ve ever heard.”

If you think swimming with dolphins is expensive, swimming with sharks cost me an arm and a leg.

Which type of dolphin is most likely to try and sell you something?
– The door to dorsals person.

Where do dolphins go to sleep?
– In their water beds!

What did the man say to the dolphin at the magic show?
– “Pick a cod, any cod!”

I was doing an aquarium tour when we finally arrived at my favorite stop, the dolphins! The dolphins were split into two separate tanks. In the first tank, they were all frolicking about, playing with balls, and doing flips. In the second tank, the dolphins were training and swimming around seriously, trying to master new tricks.
– I asked the guide, “Is this tank here for the more serious dolphins?”
– The guide replied, “Yes, for all intensive porpoises.”

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