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Dolphin jokes 🐬 in 2025

What did the Mama dolphin say when the Baby dolphin was late for dinner?
– Nothing, she just flipped!

Why did the dolphins get married?
– They were head over fins in love.

Dolphins are so smart that they can study in a library.
– The only problem is that it kills them.

What’s a dolphin’s favourite area of science to study?
– Nuclear fishin.

What aboat looking over the other side of the boat to see if you can spot any.

Where do dolphin races end?
– At dol-phinish line!

What’s a dolphin’s favorite constellation?
– The Big Dipper.

Who do dolphins worship?
– The Almighty Pod.

I can spot a long finned pilot whale dolphin from a mile off,
– there’s just somefin about the way they move.

Why don’t dolphins ever play tennis?
– Because they’re too scared of the net.

How do sick dolphins get to the underwater hospital?
– By clam-bulance.

When two dolphins really hit it off for the first time,
– we say they just click.

Why don’t dolphins enjoy a funny dolphin pun?
– Because they prefer finny ones.

Every dolphin is just searching for a porpoise in life.

Why did the dolphins get married?
– Because they were head over fins in love!

What do dolphins say when they hear bad jokes?
– That’s the seal-iest thing I’ve ever heard.

Dolphins stay away from football because they are afraid of the net.

Which fish do dolphins go to when they are unsure of their future?
– The fortuna teller.

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