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Dolphin jokes 🐬 in 2025

What did Mummy dolphin say when little dolphin was late for dinner?
– Nothing, she just flipped!

Where do underwater dolphin races end?
– At the dol-phinish line!

What did the baby dolphin say when he was sad?
– Nothing, he just whaled!

What do dolphins say when they win a race?
– Shell yeah!

What do you call a dolphin with no money?
– A poor poise.

What’s the best way to hear what dolphins have to say?
– Listen to their podcast.

What did the dolphin policeman say to his partner at the crime scene?
– “Something smells fishy.”

How could the dolphin afford to buy a house?
– He prawned everything!

What do dolphins sing at Christmas?
– Tis the sea-son to be merry.

Are you shore you just spotted one?

Why was the dolphin so grumpy?
– He ate too many crabs.

A dolphin got lost while swimming about so stopped to ask for directions from a fisherman.
– “Can you please be more pacific” the dolphin said.

Are you being porpoisely vague?

What’s a dolphin’s favourite ride at the theme park?
– The Big Dipper!

How do dolphins send all their messages?
– Via sea-mail!

The impact of fishing on dolphins is net bad I’d say.

Roll up roll up to see the amazing pink river dolphin, oops I mean the Amazon pink river dolphin.

If you are too nautical you won’t be allowed to come on the boat trip.

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