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Dolphin jokes 🐬 in 2025

What do dolphins use to clean their houses?
– All-porpoise cleaner!

What is a dolphin’s favorite game to play at parties?
– Salmon says.

Who helps sick dolphins at the underwater hospital?
– Sturgeons.

A dolphin that has no parents is known as a dorphan.

What’s a dolphin’s favourite type of music?
– Orchastral music of course!

Why do dolphins enjoy living in salt water?
– Because pepper water makes them sneeze.

What did the ocean say to the dolphin?
– Nothing, it just waved!

What happened to the dolphin that left SeaWorld to have a family in the ocean?
– She was reporpoised.

Who helps poorly dolphins at the underwater hospital?
– Sturgeons!

What’s is a dolphin’s favourite day?
– Fin-dependence day!

If Cinderella were a dolphin she might leave her glass flipper behind at the ball.

When dolphins go to the shop do they spend US dollars?
– No they have their own currensea.

If we are lucky we’ll see a whole school of dolphins.
– I herd fish story about someone who spotted three pods in one outing!

What did people say when the dolphin walked on water?
– “It’s just a fluke!” (Fluke = a dolphin’s tail.)

Why was the dolphin so sad?
– His life had no porpoise.

Have you ever tried to cut the fins off a dolphin?

– It really defeats the porpoise?

For breakfast I’d invite a monkey, for lunch I’d invite a whale and for spinner I’d invite a dolphin.

What do you say when the boat’s captain is right?
– Sea Señor!

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